Parents should be notified that the class may end as early as 2:30pm. Also, one parent will be allowed to supervise several attendees who are under the age of 16. The instructors cannot be responsible for children under the age of 16. So, any designated adult will do.
The only way to sign up for it is online at
Here are the instructions:
Go to
Click on upper bar "Education and safety"
In the drop down click on "recreational safety and hunter education"
Click on "search for a class"
Scroll down to "boater's education classes"
Click on "upcoming events"
Scroll down to "June 17th Diamond Lake Yacht Club"
Click on "sign up" then create an account (you will need to remember you email and password for all future use with the DNR)
To register a child, you will need to create a linked account.
If you have problems, you may text Debi Tuttle at 574-292-1419 or contact Megan Hall at 269-641-2304